Building a Green Community
Our mission is to build greener communities for all . Through our outreach programs we provide resources, educational content, social programs to urban farms and underserved communities that connect families to nature!
Each one teach one is our motto. We believe that a community has the power to advance forward through sharing of knowledge and skills.
We have a responsibility to set the stage for the upcoming generation. It’s up to us to inspire our youth to take action and prioritize a healthy lifestyle through nature.
Mother Nature has taken great care of us. We depend on nature for all our needs; from our food, shelter, technology, etc. It’s time we take care of her.
After working with teens as a behavioral health counselor, Anuella Alexandre founded A Green Community FL. During her two years in this role, she listened to these young adults and recognized a common theme at play in their lives; a lack of nutritional education and a vast disconnect from nature. These teens were perpetually suffering from deep depression, insomnia, and other mood disorders accompanied by loads of physical ailments such as frequent headaches, stomach issues, and even early-onset diabetes in some cases.
Understanding a connection with nature is foundational to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being, Anuella vowed to dedicate her time to fighting the root cause of these issues; a poor diet of highly processed foods and sugars and a sedentary lifestyle revolving around digital screen addiction. She created this organization to spread awareness and educate children of all ages about wellness by cultivating a healthy connection with food and nature.
A Green Community FL is rooted in the belief of humanity’s fellowship with the earth. What we have always known to be true is that people are not and never have been separate from nature. It has been proven time and time again that being in nature is highly beneficial to our minds, bodies, and spirits. Our incentive is to educate and empower members of the community with knowledge and life skills to live a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. What better way to do that than connecting our youth to the natural world around them while cultivating their bond to whole foods? Growing their own food will be of great influence towards how they view health and nutrition. Our hope is to incite positive change in our food culture.
We strongly believe the future generation deserves a chance to understand the basics and importance of agriculture. The building block of our existence! The goal is to manifest a healthier community through social programs, sustainability projects and educational workshops all centered around unlearning our harmful practices and re-learning practices that help us all THRIVE!